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Grazing on Public Lands   arrow

Grazing on Public Lands

Appealing Grazing Decisions in the Federal System

  • The Federal Appeals Handbook: Guidance for Appealing Grazing Decisions from the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension is a guide for ranchers navigating the appeal procedures in in either the Forest Service (USFS), housed in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), or the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), housed in the Department of the Interior (DOI). It does not substitute for an attorney, but it does provide a comprehensive view of the appeals process, as well as helpful practice tips.

NEPA for Ranchers

If NEPA (or the National Environmental Policy Act) is not your favorite topic, you might be normal.

However, the outcome of a NEPA document can influence the future of your ranch if you graze on a Bureau of Land Management allotment or US Forest Service permit.

If you depend on public lands for grazing, these two resources can help empower you to navigate the NEPA process.

  • A Rancher’s Guide to NEPA and Permit Renewals 

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  • This guide explains what NEPA  is, the importance of your participation in the process, how NEPA applies to grazing allotments/permits, and how to participate. This guide also includes a case-study. Put together by Professors and Extension staff at the University of Arizona in collaboration with Action Analysis Partners, LLC and DC Cattle Company.